We came across this really interested TV study of its teenage audience and thought it would be of interest to those of you whose businesses might be in attracting a teenage audience...retail in particular.
The study involved spending time with MTV fans ad learning about their needs and concerns to revitalise their viewing stats.
Marketing to teens can be tough - you might have the most useful tool or the most practical service but if its not relatable to by teenagers, it won't appeal to them.
If a marketing campaign is to target teenagers it must meet the following:
1. Teenage Peers
Teenagers value what their friends and other people their age think. According to a 2015 report from Pew Research Centre, 71% of teens aged 13-17 use Facebook, 52% use Instagram, and 41% use Snapchat. 81% of teen girls consider their friends and peers as a source for their buying decisions.
If you want to be a brand choice for teenagers you need to become part of their peer-preference group. A report from Mintel showed that 10-15 year olds are worried that they could be excluded by their peers if they aren't active enough on popular social media channels. So keeping up to speed on trends is important for businesses.
2. Look
Negative comments bother teenagers; but positive feedback on their look or image goes down well. A 2014 survey by the Today Show and AOL.com found that 80% of teenage girls compare themselves with images of celebrities.
As a brand, help teenagers to become aware of their own merit. Avoid unrealistic and critical images.
3. Cool
Treat teenagers as intelligent consumers. Your product needs to fit in their future. You can't force it.