Marketing changes all the time, we discuss this with our clients in Cardiff and Aberystwyth all the time; nothing changes much quicker than Social Media. This week along there have been updates and changes to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube as well as announcements for iOS 11 coming in September.
Facebook has finally added a dedicated GIF button to comments. All users on Facebook can now use the new GIF comment button that the platform started testing almost three months ago. The button can currently be used for comments on user posts – not on all Page posts. (we have seen it on some page posts)
Just like on Messenger and Twitter, the GIF button in comments lets you search for GIFs from services like GIPHY, and then just use them directly, without the need to copy/paste a GIF’s link in the comment.
Also, just like on Messenger and Twitter, the pop up brings you trending GIFs, so you can quickly respond without even searching. It certainly makes the whole GIF-posting process incredibly easy, compared to before.
The new feature has been on everyone’s mind for a while now and since GIFs began to appear on Facebook around two years ago, they have become everyone’s favourite way to express something that a simple image just can’t. The only thing left for Facebook right now, is to bring the GIF button to status updates for users and Pages. It will come soon enough.

Influencers across the globe will be asked to label their posts and stories as a “Paid partnership with” the brands they represent. Instagram believes this transparency will not only be beneficial for their followers, but also for the influencers and brands who will gain the ability to track and share insights for each labelled post.
Facebook’s Canvas ads have been added to the Collection ad format, making them available for all ad formats currently running on News Feed.

Facebook launched its Collection ad format a few months ago, as a way for brands to combine a video ad with four recommended products. Users can click on the recommended products, and go to a landing page that is optimised for speed – not directly to the advertiser’s site. This makes the user experience somwhat smoother.
Canvas, a full-screen immersive format has been around for over a year, and has had a lot of success with brands, as it provides more interesting ad experiences for users.
Starting immediately, Canvas will be available within the Collection ad format, along with three new templates – for other goals instead of just featuring and selling products.

To beat Facebook and Google’s duopoly, Snapchat needs advertisers to build and buy campaigns with confidence. So today it’s announcing the Snap Publisher tool for building vertical video creative, it’s rolling out its self-serve Ad Manager, and its launching a Snapchat Certified Partners program to connect advertisers to trained third-party ad tech tool providers.

Together, these will make it easier for advertisers to handle their own campaigns start to finish, or have their hands held.