To keep your marketing effective you should expect to cater for the following future changes:
To put more emphasis on looking after your current customers
Without a doubt, a move from being purely profit-focused in your marketing to customer orientated is what a lot of businesses are starting to ‘cotton-on’ to. So many businesses we have worked with put all their effort into getting new customers that they seem to forget about their existing! Start a new focus of being devoted to retention, not ‘churn and burn’. If you go above and beyond to please your customers and let them know that they mean everything to you as a business, because that’s the reality, they do!
To work harder at standing out on social media
We don’t think that it will be very long at all before you struggle to find any successful business that doesn’t have a social media presence. To keep relevant on social media brands need to keep their content a priority. Be more creative to stand out and look at ways to incorporate new technology like virtual reality and artificial intelligence (chat bots etc.)
Your online business is going to keep changing
To keep up your going to need to keep evolving your online strategy. Week by week there are updates to online marketing and business which is why we think it’s important to stop following trends week by week and instead invest in a more personal way of marketing. Stay authentic to what your business values and how your consumers engage with you. A development we will continue to see in this area will be seriously tailored customer journeys, with personal interaction through video messaging and voice. To really do this well, businesses need to understand their customers, build a community and take care of them, rather than chasing follower numbers on social media.
Everyone seems to be using the same ideas
Yes, SEO and PPC are important but businesses need to be more creative with their marketing. What aren’t your competitors doing? If you’re a local business doing disregard more traditional marketing approaches like advertising in the local newspaper or handing out flyers. These techniques still work, your advertising priority should be focused on where your target audience spends most of their time, and consider what your competitors aren’t, you’d be surprised by the success you can achieve.
Put the customer first
Research. Do you honestly do any research to understand what your customers want and what problems or issues they have that your product or service could resolve? And once the sale is done, marketing shouldn’t end there. Existing customers can refer new ones, they can buy again or upgrade, engage with them where you can and support them so that you’re the first port of call. Think about how the big brands that are you go-to because you know they will look after you….John Lewis? The customer needs should be at the beginning of your marketing strategy not the product you’re trying to sell.