So, lockdown easing is coming and businesses are opening back up slowly. I have had so many emails and calls from clients and other business asking about when it's best to restart marketing? There isn't a perfect answer, if you're a business that is completely closed and no chance of opening within a few months it will be worth reigning in your marketing push but at the same time you want to stay engaged.

For some clients we are still marketing their business but finding new ways of keeping their audience engaged, quiz's or fun fact posts, for others we are posting recipes or live workouts. All these keep the audience up to date with your brand and keep your brand in their memory.
But what about planning when the lockdown is over? When business can re open it won't be a sudden decision, there will be notice given to different businesses and different times so there will be time to plan your re opening and marketing plan.
Planning is key, and with that you want to plan now, get your creative ready now and have it ready to post online, in store and let everyone know. This downtime is perfect to look at your current or previous marketing and have it refreshed ready when you're back online or can re open your venue.
Have a budget ready for any online advertising once you can announce a re opening, having this ready, your creative ready and staff ready means you can announce anything at the flick of a switch and let your customers know straight away.