So Mastercard has changed it’s logo, so many companies have updated their logos and branding this year and Mastercard like many other (including M&S and CO-OP) have used the past as inspiration.

Some may ask why all lowercase, some will ask why the choice of font, well here are some answers for you if you were asking yourself just that.
"This is really one of the most broadly distributed and most widely seen marks in the world," says Michael Bierut, who designed the new branding with Pentagram partner Luke Hayman. We were very enthusiastic about the 1979 version, especially the circular structure of the typography," says Bierut. "Each letter contains a curve that's a portion of a circle." (Even the "m" and "t"—Mastercard has always had a thing for circles.) "It was a godsend because we were actively on the hunt for a typeface that was available in a lot of different weights, that was based largely on a circle, and that looked clear and simple and readable," Bierut says. the typeface, FFMark, "looks frictionless in a way. We were delirious when we started using it—just the way it pulled everything together."

People are obviously going to either love it or hate it, some will just say so what. We think it looks smart, looks clean and looks new even if it does look very much like their 1979 version.
Does your business need a facelift? Could your brand reinvent itself by looking in to old designs and logo designs from yesteryear? If so then let us know about your project and we would love to help you.

We are currently working on a project that is looking back at old branding and bringing it back to life, it’s exciting to look back at old memorabilia from a brand or business and rework it to suit modern design.