We all remember the Diet Coke adverts yeah? If you don't then a quick YouTube search should do ;) Recently Diet Coke has redesigned its cans and introduced new flavors in an effort to appeal to a younger generation of drinkers and halt declining sales.

The biggest change in it's history, a job you would think an International Agency would manage, but Coca Cola went with a two man Creative Agency in the UK. We think it's a great decision by Coca Cola and gives us smaller agencies hope when working with larger businesses.
Coca-Cola's Vice-President of Design James Sommerville said it provided a new perspective on what the can would look like.
"The marriage of the two, in theory, works well," Sommerville said on Coca-Cola's website. "If a design project is too internally driven, we can end up talking to ourselves. And if we rely too much on external partners, things can go off the rails quickly. There is beauty in both knowledge and naiveté."
What do you think of the new can and design?