A social media campaign is a coordinated marketing effort to reinforce or assist with a business goal using one or more social media platforms. Campaigns differ from everyday social media efforts because of their increased focus, targeting and measurability.
The most important factor is to set a goal for the campaign.
Common goals include:
Increasing engagement across audience.
Building email marketing lists.
Increasing web traffic
Driving sales
Make sure you have something to measure this goal against (e.g previous campaigns or industry comparisons). Goals are defined by the means, message and the target audience. And remember different demographics have different preferences for which social media platform so choose wisely.
Next step, check you have all the tracking tools in place (HootSuite, Social Mention) and then the timeline for the campaign and any budget you want to spend.

Some helpful social media campaign tips are:
Provide incentives to give audiences a reason to provide information about themselves.
Make prizes relevant to the audience you’re targeting. E.g electrical company – giveaway a washing machine.
Make the campaign actionable – ask users to interact by asking questions, take polls, provide reviews, enter contests and join mailing lists.
Engage with your audience – answer and address questions and queries quickly and reinforce positive actions.
Promote across all social media accounts – If your campaign is Facebook focused you can reinforce on Twitter.